I'll Wait patiently...

No matter what, I'm set to get ... PS3 ? ! Hahaha...
No lah, jus joking. How could I possibly afford PS3 (/WII) & a LCD TV? I will see how's the incentive bonus for this yr goes. Got extra, I will consider about it. But, really tempted to cos, I wanna play Guitar hero, Devil May Cry, on TV screen. But, that will only be on the wishlist at the time being.
Guess what? There's another Guitar game on handheld console. Guitar Hits. I saw the last time it's going to be on PS3, WII type of console, however just a moment ago, I noticed it's on PSP! That's cool... NDS got guitar hero on tour, PSP will have guitar hits.
But! I'm quite curious how Guitar Hits will be played on PSP??? Nothing is revealed so far. That's very doubtful how it can be played?
So meanwhile, I have to wait patiently for Guitar Hero On Tour to be released. No matter how long it will be...