Buy Buy Buy!
Got back from PC Show 2009. Saw my cousin but didn't join since he got his friends and I preferred alone for the sake of over congested crowd.
This time I took bus there since the PC Show starts at 12noon. And on my way, the route seems congested with traffic too. And indeed, at the Suntec Conventional Hall, the traffic is worst. Luckily took bus and the bus lane enabled me to landed safely. Just that I had sat a long journey and suffered mild backache.
Finally at the PC Show, everywhere packed with gadget fans. The Apple booth is too crowded that I didn't manage to see the iPhone 3G [S]. But proven iPhone itself is really cool. Then for info, Singtel is not having Samsung Pixon12! Preston is good but, still far from Pixon12. Oh... for phones, I am now eyeing Pixon12! End of Jun it will be available!!!
Back to the PC Show where I got some stuffs.
Acer netbook AOD250 for my brother. He has to pay me back one.
A free notebook sleeve as usual.
Oh, I like the dashing blue. Is it possible for me to change S10 for this instead brother? Ya prefer black right? My S10 is black neh??
Looks nicer, lighter... And more brand reliable.
Upgraded the ram to 2G for free.

Hey, a free wireless mouse for free leh!
Wheresle, I need to top up 9.90SGD for a retractable mouse for S10. Bleah~~
Ok, I couldn't get an ideal external HD and settle on the WDelements which came with a 5 yrs warranty free. 500GB. I had a tough time choosing between it and Treks which has only a yr warranty (but size is really portable and locally available).
SGD140.1 for paying nets. Almost the same as 500GB Treks (which is SGD140).
Yeah, quite a fruit fill trip. And my threadless tees are here. Too bad, my mom washed it before I can take any fotos when I returned.
Okay! No more unnecessary spendings $$ from now on. Will postpone buying Wii games & nds stuffs.
This time I took bus there since the PC Show starts at 12noon. And on my way, the route seems congested with traffic too. And indeed, at the Suntec Conventional Hall, the traffic is worst. Luckily took bus and the bus lane enabled me to landed safely. Just that I had sat a long journey and suffered mild backache.
Finally at the PC Show, everywhere packed with gadget fans. The Apple booth is too crowded that I didn't manage to see the iPhone 3G [S]. But proven iPhone itself is really cool. Then for info, Singtel is not having Samsung Pixon12! Preston is good but, still far from Pixon12. Oh... for phones, I am now eyeing Pixon12! End of Jun it will be available!!!
Back to the PC Show where I got some stuffs.

Yeah, quite a fruit fill trip. And my threadless tees are here. Too bad, my mom washed it before I can take any fotos when I returned.
Okay! No more unnecessary spendings $$ from now on. Will postpone buying Wii games & nds stuffs.