Metal Slug Anthology; Command & Conquer 3...
METAL SLUG Anthology:
Review extracted from Dream
It's thrilled, fun, cute (for characters turning zombies, get overfeed, etc) and addictive. I played hours for the day I bought it. And it's a game that can play times and times w/o getting bored.
Additional info: unlocked wallpapers, galleries, music, interview using tokens earned upon completing missions.
Mode: can be set. I'm on easy mode (cos free play what~). Other modes basing on credits (which I surely can't complete the missions).
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Official Lauching day for C&C 3 is today. Yes, why do I know it? Cos, I'm so good to help my dear brother for the free gifts collection offered only at the official launched day.
Fortunate for him that I went down for the collection at 12pm, which is 2 hrs earlier than the launch time. And, there was a lotsa, lotsa people waiting in the queue already. Wahhhhh~~~ Is it real? Is this game so popular? Asking since I never play C&C before.
Thus, when every minute flied, the Q was getting longer & longer... Waited for 2 hrs, the stagnant Q finally moved. Qers getting excited but me just bored cos, I wasted 2 hrs (what I thought) in the Q. When trailers of the game flashed on screen, it'll be another waiting hr for me to get to the booth of collection.
I'm actually blurred out when the crew asked me which I want (GDI or NOD) when it's eventually my turn. Anyway, I chose the goodie since my brother requested for the green tee. Hahhahahaah...... what a day I wasted.
Anyway, I managed to get a mouse pad & dog tag of C&C 3 from the package consisting of mat, poster, tee, the game, and the both.
Review extracted from Dream

Metal Slug Anthology from Metal Slug from SNK Playmore.
It's a 10th anniversary of METAL SLUG. Thus a PSP Platform UMD of 7 incredible games METAL SLUG 1, METAL SLUG 2, METAL SLUG X, METAL SLUG 3, METAL SLUG 4, METAL SLUG 5, METAL SLUG 6 is released. Also available in wii.
Metal Slug Anthology scanned by Dream Talks' Creation.
It's thrilled, fun, cute (for characters turning zombies, get overfeed, etc) and addictive. I played hours for the day I bought it. And it's a game that can play times and times w/o getting bored.
Additional info: unlocked wallpapers, galleries, music, interview using tokens earned upon completing missions.
Mode: can be set. I'm on easy mode (cos free play what~). Other modes basing on credits (which I surely can't complete the missions).
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Official Lauching day for C&C 3 is today. Yes, why do I know it? Cos, I'm so good to help my dear brother for the free gifts collection offered only at the official launched day.
Fortunate for him that I went down for the collection at 12pm, which is 2 hrs earlier than the launch time. And, there was a lotsa, lotsa people waiting in the queue already. Wahhhhh~~~ Is it real? Is this game so popular? Asking since I never play C&C before.
Thus, when every minute flied, the Q was getting longer & longer... Waited for 2 hrs, the stagnant Q finally moved. Qers getting excited but me just bored cos, I wasted 2 hrs (what I thought) in the Q. When trailers of the game flashed on screen, it'll be another waiting hr for me to get to the booth of collection.
I'm actually blurred out when the crew asked me which I want (GDI or NOD) when it's eventually my turn. Anyway, I chose the goodie since my brother requested for the green tee. Hahhahahaah...... what a day I wasted.
Anyway, I managed to get a mouse pad & dog tag of C&C 3 from the package consisting of mat, poster, tee, the game, and the both.

C&C3 mousepad w/ METAL SLUG Anthology.

C&C GDI dogtag (which I use it for my N73's accessory).