Adding on expenses...
When I get new gadgets, that implies more spending. While bought the Wii, I need to get a TV too. Friends asked why don't use the TV set at home? However, if the only tv in the living room I can be used. And thus, problem is, I hardly had any chance to tune the tv, and not to say to use it. Therefore, the best remedy is to buy my own.
Actually, I sort of regret getting another video console. Cos, I had limited space in the room. And with the later purchase of 26" LCD TV, darn, there was exactly no space to work with. And I ended up giving my bro the 19" damn good condition Philips monitor. My heart pinched for forsaking a gadget that works well still. Anyway, seeing how delightful my bro was, I felt it was worthwhile since we are siblings afterall.

I still need time to get use to the big tv monitor when I use the pc. Everything is magnified. Woo... However, I can watch my vcds & animes using the powerful "monitor". Really enjoying, especially while munching chips. Hahaha!!!
Oh, the template is amended. Added on wii and guitar from GH wii.
Happy CNY!!
Actually, I sort of regret getting another video console. Cos, I had limited space in the room. And with the later purchase of 26" LCD TV, darn, there was exactly no space to work with. And I ended up giving my bro the 19" damn good condition Philips monitor. My heart pinched for forsaking a gadget that works well still. Anyway, seeing how delightful my bro was, I felt it was worthwhile since we are siblings afterall.

I still need time to get use to the big tv monitor when I use the pc. Everything is magnified. Woo... However, I can watch my vcds & animes using the powerful "monitor". Really enjoying, especially while munching chips. Hahaha!!!
Oh, the template is amended. Added on wii and guitar from GH wii.
Happy CNY!!